


Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Well, we are still here in Edinburg, about 7 or something days from departure. We are all coughing up a storm. The weather has been humid, but mercifully cool, which has been a big blessing. The bus is grounded, as it "blew a gasket" (something like the "oil cooling engine thing" in techinical lingo). So while we wait to hear on the part we need, we still can work on in out on the street here.

It's painted and all, but its still a school bus. Our neighbors seem to love it and we never hear complaints. We were hoping to host an "open bus" for them, but we are always so busy...

Dave was supposed to be on jury duty all week, and then scrambling to do programming and bus work in the evenings, but the judge didn't need him and advised him to check caller id before answering the phone, in case they called him later (if he didn't answer, they couldn't get him back!). But they haven't called. That has been an unexpected blessing!

Zak does alot of the grunt work and has been putting in alot of the hardware and shelves and stuff. Dave does design work. We are packing, sewing curtains, doing laundry, painting bus walls, and waiting for the bus repair folks to call.

Another thing we need done is to have the rear springs removed and some blocks of steel put in. Then the springs go back in, and the rear end of the bus is elevated a few inches. That may be crucial so we don't bottom out in some of the bad stretches of road in Mexico. We have found a place eager to do the job, but we need to get this oil leak repaired too...

We had to scramble last week to get Zak's driver's permit too, so he could help drive, as this thing only goes 55 with the wind on your back, down hill. So we need to keep driving 24/7 during the long stretches. So he studied and passed the test without any problems, though we almost didn't meet their qualifications for homeschool curriculum or something.

Well, we are getting ready for our morning devotions now. Dave went to take Zak to the parking lot for a driving lesson. Everyone is feeling kind of congested. Dave's chest hurts when he coughs.

I guess that's all! Oh, welcome to the blog! Hopefully we can keep thing going throughout our trip so you will know when and where we are!

-- Debbie, Edinburg, Texas

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