This is the first post of our Wisconsin trip wrap up which will take lots of posts due to the high pixel count.
It was a wonderful wonderful time. We had been praying for an opening for our friend Jonathan Lindvall to keynote at the Wisconsin CHEA conference, and this was the year. We convoyed with members of Jonathan's family from St Louis to Wisconsin, This happened to prove to be very convenient in case of mechanical break-down (foreshadowing alert).
Too much to type -- here are the first batch of pictures from our wonderful time in Wisconsin for the CHEA conference!

Since we haven't done much in the way of RV conversion in this baby yet, much cargo had to be secured using ratchet straps to protect us from bouncing ice chests.
I just think "Eddie Bauer" when I see this bus. I'm sorry.

Fiddling around with the power steering, which died shortly before our arrival in Wisconsin, and was the catalyst for several blisters on Daddy's hands. You never know what you have until it's gone.
Joshie fills in the driver's seat while repairs are attempted.
The land of beef and cheese welcomes us!

Setting up for a few days camping at God's Lake! The reader will note we had awesome weather!
Upon our arrival, population at the sparsely populated campground doubled, or tripled. Kind of like when we moved to St Louis.
Ben acquired a more Klein-proof volleyball outfit for the family.
Daniel says, "I thought we were driving to Wisconsin!"
So happy to meet up with the happy Cano family who are expecting their third blessing as we type!
Stretching arms and legs after a long day on the road.
During the game, a discussion of the biblical basis for volleyball ensued. One participant suggested that Joseph served in Pharoah's court.
The Lindvalls didn't have to rough it too badly, thanks to the provision of the Dyers who lent them their NEW pop-up trailer!
Getting the campfire warmed up.
More to follow....