


Friday, May 28, 2010

Only because of the LORD! Part 1

The tostada shells are beginning to settle, after our very full, very wonderful trip to Wisconsin for the CHEA conference. Wow. We wanted to include a good spread of pictures from the whole trip, so we will have to do it in installments.

As is normally the case for our family, we had a few lists of things to do....

This was only one of them, one of the last of them. We also had Hannah's Gantt chart, Mommy's binder paper lists, Mommy's Franklin, and several other whiteboards in various locations.

We had lots of people and things to pack, so we sought to streamline wherever possible. In the menu department, this meant meals would be quick, easy and the same every day. Daddy decided repetition would be the rule: boxed cereal for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch, and bean tostadas for dinner. What made it nice was that these were all kind of rare treats for us. So, we stocked up.

Everyone was very tired as the final hour of departure approached. In fact, we moved our departure out another day to ensure Dave met his work deadline. We were all kind of dragging until we got word that the BBQ at the Criggers for Saturday was ON! Then, with renewed vision, we got skidaddling!

The rear of the bus is like a bouncing diving board when we drive, so we have to batten down the hatches. The broomstick bookend approach was not deemed sea-worthy, so we later stacked our mattresses horizontally.

We bring a bunch of free literature to the homeschool conferences and have a table in the exhibit hall. Hannah is our chief collator and inventory keeper.

We were pleased to get this new booklet ready and printed in time for the conference. Of course, we found typos and such AFTER they were all published... we are working on the first revision.

Don't forget to pack the baby! We set off early Saturday morning for Wisconsin! I don't know how late everyone stayed up, but it wasn't late enough, as we had plenty of last minute things to do in the morning before we could depart. But we made it a little ahead of schedule!

The Criggers had staged a luau, and we were anxious to don our plastic leis and eat baby carrots... oops, I mean pineapple. What was I thinking?

It's only been six months since we've last seen everyone, but we sure have missed folks!

Zak and Lee enjoyed catching up with each other. Here, Lee chats with his hands in his pockets.

Then Lee folds his arms, and Zak keeps his hands in his pockets for a while. Gee, I guess homeschooling does help prevent peer pressure.

The dads had plenty to talk about. Dave appreciates the great fellowship with these guys, although he was wondering why he was the only one wearing the plastic lei.

Our hosts have a pretty sprawling estate which is just made for hospitality, and they have that down pretty good!

Nobody was bored while waiting for the BBQing to be finished!

The spread was pretty impressive, besides Clint's delicious grilled burgers and dogs.

The girls are very into before and after pictures. I am wondering, "Why are there so many baby carrots left???"

Joshie enjoyed the food so much, he didn't bother asking any questions about what it actually was. From the look of his plate, I don't know what we'd have told him!

This young man is working on his first patent: disposable UV protection drinking sunglasses.

Definitely good to the last drop!

Wait! You can't have a BBQ without the Mayos!! These dear ones won second prize for distance traveled.

We love lots of MAYOS!!!

Volleyball was soon underway.

Various team configurations were used. Resulting in fun.

The little ones took "Don't touch" to a new extreme!

Brother Clint serves volleyball as well as he serves BBQ!

Eventually, it was time to say goodbye...

Here is sweet and fun Anna, waving good bye with an expression that seems to say,


You left your
======> all your cell phone chargers <====
Come back!"

(If only.)

Many thanks to the Criggers for the wonderful time of food and fellowship!

(More pictures are coming!)



The Mayo Family said...

Dear Friends,
OH! What a sweet post & oh how we laughed at this!:) :) :) :)
That pic of Anna with the "caption" is too funny! We agree...if only!
What a sweet time of fellowship that was had by all!
Wishing you were closer!
Looking forward to part #2!
Blessings to all~
Mayo's x's 10

The Baxters said...

Finally got the whole family to look at this post. We all enjoyed it and it made us wish we were all back together. What a wonderful day that was.
Your humor, Debbie, maketh for merry hearts in this house. The carrot comments throughout had us laughing, especially about why their were so many baby carrots left. I guess word got around as to why you were so orange that day.
Also, great pic of the kids on the trampoline...I mean, over the trampoline!

Love you all,
The Baxters