Joshie loves to toddle all over, and you can see the backside of his first haircut!
Here are some of the children doing a leaf journey...a favorite fall activity...hauling leaves to our compost bin using a tarp.
After cutting all the big boys' hair one evening, I sat down to rest a while. As I watched shaggy Joshie toddle by, I realized it was time. I sat him on my lap and powered up the clippers. He absolutely loved it! He got all cuddly with me! It was so precious!
Later we will post a sequence, but this is basically our old bus chassis. Today we finished scrapping it, dropping off the last load at the metal recycler...with NO accidents, praise the Lord! This was such a blessing for us, that the kids could get this done, as we are trying to sell the house, and the "broken down bus in the backyard" look does not aid in making your home attractive to buyers.
You may be wondering how we got these beams into the back of the bus to haul...
Our wonderful neighbor again came through with the lending of his acetylene torch. Solomon took to it like a fish riding a bike! It was waaaaay faster that the reciprocating saw we used for most of the bus!
In case I confused you by mentioning how we got the chunks of old bus into the back of the bus, I will remind you that we, until recently, have been a two bus family!
Here are pieces of the walls of the old bus. They were disassembled largely by popping screws off the panels. This was a great job for the younger kids, with earplugs!
Oh yeah, here is that cutie pie again, enjoying the leaves!
Here is the last of our trees to turn and shed leaves. By the time you read this, the leaves will all be gone on a leaf journey...
We hope to post more thematically organized photos soon...including those of our new source of Swiss Rolls!
1 comment:
Dear Sweet family,
Greetings! We are enjoying all your up-dates! we are so glad that all your projects are coming along!
Please know we think of you often, cant wait to get together soon!
Umm...Swiss Rolls (ha) sounds interesting! Smile
Thanks for posting you all are a blessing!
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