The front living room, which we use mostly as extra work space, now features this oak dining table which seats six. It was being given away. The hanging light above it was free as well; Ben rewired for us so we could plug it in. Also given to us was the brown covered couch, AND the nearby chair, and the cooly-colored throw pillows on said couch and chair! We use this area for working with the little boys in the morning, and when we spread out to do our Bible copy and letter writing, or chore brainstorming sessions. Wow -- space!
This monster desk with hutch was also a free provision for us, from a sweet lady up in Madison. The boys dismantled it, put it together in the old house, dismantled it again, and installed it here. This is the "formal dining room" adjacent to the front living room, but it Mommy's office area. The hanging light (matching the other one over the oak table) was also free. The pink and green quilt was made by my maid of honor!
Behind the oak dining table is this lovely desk for Abi's work area, also given to us. Abi helps with proofing and copying the outgoing family correspondence (we keep copies of the children's to serve as a family history). She will be helping to keep us on track with our Spanish lessons, so her books and a CD player for that purpose are nearby.
This nook off of the kitchen is the creation room. This corner table with the three chairs were also a free provision for us. This is more space for quiet reading or writing.
Welcome to the basement office of Silver Chalice (Zak and Ben's start-up). They let Daddy hang out here too. This work table (minus the shelf thingy) is one of THREE such work tables given to us. The easel and whiteboard is one of two given to us, by the same lady (Abi has the other one by her desk).
Another provision from the Lord, this desk for Zak.
Piecing together my monster desk was good practice for piecing together THIS monster "desk". It was also a free provision from the Lord. It is in perfect condition and the quality is nearly Klein-proof. Sarah did most of the reassembling. Sarah also installed the vinyl tiles in this basement nook which is the sewing/project room.
Back on the main floor, this is our previously empty "den". Except for the rocking chair in the top corner, these pieces of furniture (plus a couch which is not visible) which nicely fill up this HUGE room where we gather for devotions in the morning and evening, were all more of the Lord's provision for us.
The fireplace heats this room. It's really a room made for having company!
This lovely Bible verse picture was also a provision from the Lord. Dave's mom had an identical one, and I was so happy when my friend Linda offered it to me. Thanks!
There is much more to the house, and the stuff the Lord has provided, but you get the picture! We give thanks to Him, not just for this stuff, but for everything He has done for us. To whom much is given, much will be required.
Hello friends,
Oh how sweet, the Lord provides in so many ways.
Looks like you've really done a wonderful job at getting settled and things look so nice!
Thanks so much for the we can get a idea of you there!
Prayers sent your way!
The Mayo family
Thank you for showing us your new house. That is great how the Lord blessed you all! Lord knew what size house you all used to live in, and He obviously decided that you all needed a bit more space.
You all are an excellent encouragement in being content. Thank you for your testimony.
God bless,
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